Closing on Your New Home and Moving: Tips For Selling Your Home in a Real Estate Desert

Are you in the process of buying a new home and need to sell your current one?

Hire an Experienced Real Estate Agent to Help With Selling Your Home

In order to understand the local market conditions and get expert advice on how to price your home strategically, you will need an experienced real estate agent. They will analyze recent sales in your area, consider the current market trends, and help you set a reasonable list price that will attract potential buyers. [1]

They will know how to market your home effectively to reach a broader audience, as well as invest in high-quality photos, virtual tours, and compelling descriptions to showcase your property’s best features. These marketing efforts will maximize your home’s market appeal and generate interest from prospective buyers.

They may suggest small adjustments such as touching up paint on your house or garage, decluttering living spaces, or updating outdated fixtures to make your home more attractive to buyers. These simple changes can make a significant difference in the sale price and the overall market perception of your property.

Hire an Experienced Real Estate Agent

Price Your Home Right

After you have hired a real estate agent will conduct a comparative market analysis, evaluating recent sales of similar homes in your area. This analysis takes into account factors such as location, size, amenities, and conditions to determine a fair and competitive price range. [2]

Keep in mind that setting a price too high might turn away potential buyers, while underselling your home may result in a financial loss. Finding the right balance is key. By pricing your home competitively within the current market conditions, you’ll generate interest from qualified buyers.

Maintain a High Level of Curb Appeal

The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers see, so this is where you want to make a great first impression.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to enhance curb appeal is by giving your home a fresh coat of paint. A new paint job can make a world of difference, instantly revitalizing the look of your property. Consider using neutral colors that appeal to a wide range of buyers. This will allow them to envision their personal touches on the home without being distracted by bold or outdated paint choices.

Replace any worn or outdated lighting fixtures with modern and attractive options. These fixtures not only improve the aesthetic appeal of your home’s exterior but also enhance its safety and security.

Consider adding outdoor lighting to highlight the architectural features of your home and create a welcoming ambiance.

A neatly manicured lawn, trimmed shrubs, and colorful flowers can instantly elevate the curb appeal of your home. If you don’t have a green thumb, consider hiring a professional landscaper who can create a visually appealing and low-maintenance outdoor space.

Power washing your home’s siding, driveway, and walkways can make them look fresh and inviting. Repair any cracked or damaged surfaces and ensure that your gutters and downspouts are clean and functional.

Create inviting seating areas on your porch or patio, complete with comfortable furniture and colorful cushions. Add potted plants and accessories that showcase the potential for outdoor entertaining and relaxation.

Maintain a High Level of Curb Appeal

Use Professional Photos

Consumers are visually oriented and prefer to see detailed, attractive images before scheduling a visit. Professional photographers know how to capture the perfect angles, utilize natural light, and create an inviting atmosphere in each photograph. They have an eye for composition and know how to make every room and outdoor space look its best.

Professional photos can effectively market your home, increase its appeal, and enable potential buyers to visualize themselves living there. They provide a level of trust and credibility that amateur photos simply can’t match.

Buyers perceive professional photos as a sign of a serious seller who has invested time, money, and effort into presenting their home in the best possible light.

Utilizing professional photos is a tried-and-true method that can significantly increase your chances of selling your home quickly and at a desirable price.

Keep Your Home Show-Ready

Keep Your Home Show-Ready

Promote Your Home’s Best Qualities

Depersonalize Your Home

When prospective buyers walk through your house, they want to envision themselves living in it, not feel like they’re invading someone else’s personal space. Depersonalizing your home allows buyers to imagine their own belongings and style in the space, making it easier for them to connect with the property.

Remove any family photos, personal mementos, and unique decorations. While these items hold sentimental value to you, they can be distracting to buyers and prevent them from picturing themselves in the space. Instead, create a neutral and blank canvas by keeping the decor simple and minimizing personal touches. [4]

While depersonalizing your home, don’t forget about the closets and storage areas. Buyers will be curious to see how much storage space is available. Clear out unnecessary clutter and organize your closets to make them appear more spacious and appealing. This allows buyers to see the full potential of each storage area and increases the overall appeal of your home.

Depersonalize Your Home

Selling your home in a real estate desert can be an overwhelming task, but when it comes time actually to do the moving, Matt’s Moving has the resources and muscle you will need to make the process as smooth as possible.

Contact Matt’s Moving when you need a moving crew.


[1] Braverman, B. (2023, July 11). How to sell your house and buy a new one at the same time. Bankrate.

[2] Cruze, R. (2023, October 17). How to Sell a House. Ramsey Solutions.

[3] Notification. (n.d.).

[4] Thorsby, D., & Mears, T. (2023, February 7). 15 Secrets to Selling Your Home Faster. US News & World Report.


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